About USBC Diversity & Inclusion

USBC is committed to improving existing relationships and to forging new ones to remove any perceived barriers to the sport of bowling.

With this dedication comes a concerted effort to protect and nurture the SPORT with mutual admiration and respect to all people of varied backgrounds.

USBC believes to best serve our diverse membership we must embrace the value of the differences in insight, approach, and experience.

USBC understands that all of our members, employees and communities are critical to our success. USBC is steadfast in partnering and growing with our communities of diverse backgrounds, and will conduct our business in an ethical, inclusive and sustainable manner.

Our worldwide perspective and touchstone of inclusion guides our mission to promote the sport of bowling across the globe.

USBC will continue to identify opportunities to expand and strengthen the relationships of bowlers and non-bowlers alike.

We will be unwavering in our commitment to embrace an inclusive culture of participation and leadership that will enable us to serve the communities that participate in our sport.

For more information about USBC's Affinity Partner program and initiatives, please email us at marketing@bowl.com.